
Basically, the content of the curriculum for maladjusted children is designed according to their academic, adjustment, behavioural and emotional needs. At the same time, due concern must be given to the ultimate aim of education for these children which helps them integrate into their families, ordinary schools and society.


This Curriculum Guide begins with a description of the definitions, characteristics, inducing factors and aims of education for maladjusted children. Based on this account, a balance of development in the academic as well as personal and social aspects of these children is recommended. Then the structure, content and organisation for these two aspects of the curriculum and strategies of implementation are proposed. Since the effectiveness of a curriculum requires constant evaluation, the concluding section of this Guide is on assessment.


The aim of compiling this Guide is to provide references for professionals such as teachers, social workers, educational psychologists when designing and implementing the curriculum. Curriculum content with a wide coverage is recommended for the sake of whole-person education of the children. Being an introduction to the curriculum, this Guide gives only general descriptions of the suggested curriculum organisations and strategies of implementation. Further details may be elaborated through teachers' handbooks, catalogues of reference material, seminars and workshops to be arranged in the future.


When designing the curriculum, individual schools need to consider their unique situation, children's age and characteristics, and current social changes. It is the intention of this Guide to give a clear structure for the development of school-based curriculum.