e-Learning Resources

08 Ecology and Health


Ecological factors affecting health and well-being

Exhaustion of natural resources e.g. water, land, food
Water scarcity:affect personal hygiene
Food scarcity: nutrition
Food and water-born diseases due to improper heating of food and water
Global warming
Alter the pattern of exposure of vector-borne infections include malaria and dengue fever
Forms of Pollution and their impact on health
Chemical – some toxic substances accumulated in various tissues and organs in different body systems
Radiation – risks of anemia and cancer
Water - transmitting pathogens causing typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera and parasitic worms
Noise – damage of hearing, neurasthenia
Air - respiratory illnesses such as asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis
Natural disasters
Physical – Physical injury, Deficiency in nutrition, infectious diseases due to crowding of survivors
Mental – Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Social - breakdown of social network in some cases



Actions at different levels

Individual Personal roles in protecting the environment
e.g. resource conservation, 3R - reduce, reuse and recycle
Society Government roles in the protecting the environment
e.g. legislation, promotion such as campaigns related to cleanliness and hygiene
Control of pollutants, industrial waste, food safety, etc.
Global Relationships between developed and developing nations and societies
Example(1): Emission of Carbon Dioxide
Example(2): Electronic Wastes
The WHO approach to health promotion and illness prevention
The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion - fundamental conditions and resources for health are peace, shelter, education, food, income, a stable ecosystem, sustainable resources, social justice and equity

Latest Update: October 2019




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Enviornmental Protection Department


Tasks & Worksheets (Coming Soon)



Assessing my learning

How does ecology affect our health?
What is a healthy ecology?
How can we build and maintain a healthy ecology?

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